Monday 23 November 2015

Skinny Girl Bashing

This is a very important topic in my opinion.

I am 'skinny'. A lot of people think I am 'too' thin. 

I do not go out of my way to stay this weight, or god forbid lose weight. Some weekends are spent only eating takeaways, my snacks are all unhealthy and I could not tell you the calories in anything meal I regularly eat. Although this is not something to be proud of, I really need to be healthier...woopsy.

These are some of the comments I get-

1. Are you ok? You are looking a bit thin.
2. You're so thin, do you even exist?
3. You're so lucky to be that thin.
4. Oh shutup, you're skinny, you don't get an opinion.
5. You look like you need a good meal.

I also listen to people say these things-

1. Skinny girls in magazines don't represent real women.
2. Curves are better than bones.
3. I prefer a bit of meat on girls, skinny girls are unattractive.

The real misconception is if a girl is really skinny she has an eating disorder. She is starving herself to look 'better' or making herself throw up to lose weight.

The truth; some of us have a fast metabolism.

Yet, throughout my school years I had various teachers voice their concern I might have something wrong by asking questions such as 'Have you been eating properly?'. 'Duty of care' , they would say. However, I was the teenage girl looking in the mirror after these questions, wondering if there was something wrong with me. Was I too skinny? Was I ugly? Did everyone look at me in disgust?

When will people understand that calling someone out on their body shape is WRONG. Being told you look anorexic is exactly the same as being told you look obese. It's not ok. 
What makes a real woman? Surely all of us are.
Why do we bash each other down to make ourselves feel better?
Society labels what is normal. I am normal, you are normal.
Don't make curves something all girls strive for; a skinny girl could never get them.
Soon, Men will realise they can't pit us against each other.
Men will realise we are all something they should desire.

I'm real.

Am I lucky to be thin? Some people don't make me feel that way.

But I do exist. I do have an opinion.

1 comment:

  1. It's what's inside that counts. It's such a shame people feel they have a right to criticise how others look. We are all beautiful in our own way!
